================================goal: results of preliminary look at UCSD HIV-ENV sequencing
- goal: examine ENV data from UCSD using clustering consensus for CROI abstract due Oct 8th. - first look at the single patient with three time points, P018 months 3, 22 and 33 to get initial result that might be included in CROI abstract. - The expected result: "the one patient for which we have longitudinal data is monoinfected, and has a strong autologous antibody response: we "expect" to see greater numbers of supported variants as time increases." - Summary: - The complexity of the sample mixtures appears to increase over time. - The subpopulation of larger-delete variants appears to increase and change over time. Next ================================Inputs and Methods
- I used the HXB2 reference (base 0 to 9718). After alignments, I trimmed the reference to the covered bases 5960:9160. Here is the trimmed reference: hiv_hxb2_ENV.fasta - I examined these three runs: P018_3m_5pM, P018_22m_10pM, P018_33m_5pM. - ClusteringConsensus was used to align reads to the trimmed reference and only use CCS reads that fully-spanned 3169 or more of the 3201 total reference bases (I allowed a 1% loss on the ends). Multiple alignments are generated and then reads in the alignments are clustered to look for structure. Various statistics are reported. Next ================================Mapping statistics
- Number of CCS reads that completely cover the 3.2kb of the reference missing at most 1% on the ends:Number Sample 7091 clucon_HBX2ref_P018_3m 7896 clucon_HBX2ref_P018_22m 8624 clucon_HBX2ref_P018_33m- A good number of full-length CCS hits: 7091 to 8624 coverage per chip. - Here are the simple stats for those hits: clucon_HBX2ref_P018_3m/alignments.filterFull clucon_HBX2ref_P018_22m/alignments.filterFull clucon_HBX2ref_P018_33m/alignments.filterFull Next ================================Variant Positions
- Number of positions that are likely to contain minor variants according to simple entropy threshold:Num Sample 93 clucon_HBX2ref_P018_3m 135 clucon_HBX2ref_P018_22m 176 clucon_HBX2ref_P018_33m- The number of variant positions increases- Here are the list of variant multiple alignment positions by this rough entropy measure: clucon_HBX2ref_P018_3m/distjob.usecols clucon_HBX2ref_P018_22m/distjob.usecols clucon_HBX2ref_P018_33m/distjob.usecols Note that (reference position 1 based)=(alignment position)/5 because I gap out inserts with 4 columns. Next ================================
- Examine the complete-linkage clustering of all reads on these variant positions (3m, 22m, 33m):- Each column is a full-length amplicon-spanning read and the y-axis represents the distance which is the fraction of variant positions that disagree (0=identical, 1=completely different over the 93,135, or 176 variant positions). For example, a join distance of 0.8 between subclusters says that every pairwise distance in the subtree is less than 0.8. - The initial 3m sample is fairly complex. The complexity appears to be roughly increasing. More work is needed to stratify clusters using bionomial noise bounds and call more precise subspecies. Next ================================
Large Deletions
- How many reads have more than 10% deleted positions with respect to hxb2?Sample FractionHXB2Deleted 3m 0.05330701 22m 0.05889058 33m 0.162105833m has a triple the fraction of reads that have deletions of more than 10% HXB2 positions. - Fraction of reads that delete at each position in the reference:There seems to be an evolution of delete variants (consistent deletes happens for many 100s of bases...) The consistent spikes might be somewhat consistent differences with the HXB2 reference and local alignment artifacts. Next ================================
Alignment Entropy
- Plot of the entropy of each column in the alignment. (Higher entropy means more variability in observed bases. 0 entropy would indicate that a single base identity was observed with nothing else).- The entropy somewhat follows the deletes. The consistent spikes might be somewhat consistent differences with the HXB2 reference and local alignment artifacts. End