goal: deconvolute the NIAD 20 mix



- I ran the "20" mixtures and got about 3000 full length reads per run

- Here are the clusters:



- I started with the 20 genome mix everything minus 6, 13, 14, and 15

- I ran an initial deconvolution using untuned code on the 20mixes _1
and _2 and got these genomes:



  There are some differences so I didn't get the same answer each
  time. But this is untuned

- 11 of the 20 reported genomes are exactly the same between runs 1 and 2.

- The remaining have low comparison error (2/10,000) except for a

- The bounds say this should work and I'm sure the tuning will yield
  consistent correct answers. I want to guard against getting to the
  moon by climbing the tallest tree.


Based on Jan10,2014 email here are the SGAs from a single patient (2 time points)

							Total DNA	
			HIV-RNA	Total CD4	MiSeq	MiSeq	amount	
	Sample ID	Year	(copies/ml)	(cells/µl)	analysis	notes	(approximate)	
1	Pt3_#1	1995	191,837	32	Single		3,865	(ng)
2	Pt3_#2	1995	191,837	32	Single		1,220	(ng)
3	Pt3_#3	1995	191,837	32	Single		1,152	(ng)
4	Pt3_#4	1995	191,837	32	Single		324	(ng)
5	Pt3_#5	1995	191,837	32	Single		1,400	(ng)
6	Pt3_#6	1995	191,837	32	Single?	Possible 4% contamination	3,915	(ng)
7	Pt3_#7	1995	191,837	32	Single		1,652	(ng)
8	Pt3_#8	1995	191,837	32	Single		182	(ng)
9	Pt3_#9	1995	191,837	32	Single		782	(ng)
10	Pt3_#10	1995	191,837	32	Single		870	(ng)
11	Pt3_#11	1995	191,837	32	Single		2,975	(ng)
12	Pt3_#12	1995	191,837	32	Single		2,580	(ng)
13	Pt3_#13	1995	191,837	32	Multiple	Estimate of 2	375	(ng)
14	Pt3_#14	1995	191,837	32	Single		127	(ng)
15	Pt3_#15	1995	191,837	32	Multiple	Estimate of 3	354	(ng)
16	Pt3_#16	1995	191,837	32	Single		408	(ng)
17	Pt3_#17	1995	191,837	32	Single		723	(ng)
18	Pt3_#18	1995	191,837	32	Single		295	(ng)
19	Pt3_#19	2001	<50	879	Single		3,596	(ng)
20	Pt3_#20	2001	<50	879	Single		2,601	(ng)
21	Pt3_#21	2001	<50	879	Single		2,240	(ng)
22	Pt3_#22	2001	<50	879	Single		1,358	(ng)
23	Pt3_#23	2001	<50	879	Single		2,756	(ng)
24	Pt3_#24	2001	<50	879	Single		1,597	(ng)

Here are three sequencing runs based on these samples:

PLATE 299 in LISA started 1/15/14
Library Name 	sample 	Polymerase to template ratio 	onChip Conc. (pM) 	Well 	P1 	Data Location 	Instrument 	Movie 	StageStart 	Chemistry 	Magbead 
Pt3_20Mix_10pM 	all samples minus 6, 13, 14, and 15 	2 to 1 	10	A01_1, A01_2 	43%, 43% 	\\usmp-data3\vol53\LIMS\2014\1\2014-01-15_sherri_299__NIAID_single_genome_mixes 	Beta2 	180	Y 	P4C2 	Y 
Pt3_95_13MIX_10pM 	1995 samples 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, (no 8) 9, 10, 11, 12 ,16, 17, 18 	2 to 1 	10	B01_1, B01_2 	48%, 46% 	\\usmp-data3\vol53\LIMS\2014\1\2014-01-15_sherri_299__NIAID_single_genome_mixes 	Beta2 	180	Y 	P4C2 	Y 
Pt3_01_06MIX_15pM 	2001 samples 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 	2 to 1 	15	C01_1, C01_2 	39%, 41% 	\\usmp-data3\vol53\LIMS\2014\1\2014-01-15_sherri_299__NIAID_single_genome_mixes 	Beta2 	180	Y 	P4C2 	Y 


So do a run against 

import glob
for (name, dir) in [("Pt3_20Mix_10pM_a01_1", "/mnt/data3/vol53/LIMS/2014/1/2014-01-15_sherri_299__NIAID_single_genome_mixes/A01_1/"), ("Pt3_20Mix_10pM_a01_2", "/mnt/data3/vol53/LIMS/2014/1/2014-01-15_sherri_299__NIAID_single_genome_mixes/A01_2/"), ("Pt3_95_13MIX_10pM_B01_1", "/mnt/data3/vol53/LIMS/2014/1/2014-01-15_sherri_299__NIAID_single_genome_mixes/B01_1/"), ("Pt3_95_13MIX_10pM_B01_2", "/mnt/data3/vol53/LIMS/2014/1/2014-01-15_sherri_299__NIAID_single_genome_mixes/B01_2/"), ("Pt3_01_06MIX_15pm_C01_1", "/mnt/data3/vol53/LIMS/2014/1/2014-01-15_sherri_299__NIAID_single_genome_mixes/C01_1/"), ("Pt3_01_06MIX_15pm_C01_2", "/mnt/data3/vol53/LIMS/2014/1/2014-01-15_sherri_299__NIAID_single_genome_mixes/C01_2/")]:
  # get the bas.h5 path
  mybash5 = glob.glob("%s/Analysis_Results/*.bas.h5" % dir)[0]
  fp = open("doit.%s.sh" % name,"w")
  fp.write("cd /home/UNIXHOME/mbrown/mbrown/workspace2014Q1/niad-20mix\n")
  fp.write("export SEYMOUR_HOME=/mnt/secondary/Smrtanalysis/opt/smrtanalysis;  source $SEYMOUR_HOME/etc/setup.sh;\n")
  fp.write("export PATH=/home/UNIXHOME/mbrown/mbrown/workspace2013Q1/pacbioCode-viral-clusteringConsensus-v1/code:$PATH\n")
  fp.write("ls %s/Analysis_Results/*.bax.h5 > %s.baxh5.fofn\n" % (dir, name))
  fp.write("bash5tools.py --outFilePrefix raw-niaid-%s --readType unrolled --outType fasta --minLength 2048 %s\n" % (name, mybash5))
  fp.write("time ConsensusClusterSubset.py --nproc=8 --runDir=clucon-%s --fasta=raw-niaid-%s.fasta --ref=/home/UNIXHOME/mbrown/mbrown/workspace2013Q4/niaid-hiv-analysis/hiv_hxb2_whole_genome-covered.fasta --spanThreshold=99.0%% --entropyThreshold=1.0 --basfofn=%s.baxh5.fofn > %s.output 2>&1\n" % (name,name,name,name))
  print "qsub -q secondary -S /bin/bash -pe smp 8 -V -cwd doit.%s.sh" % name

qsub -q secondary -S /bin/bash -pe smp 8 -V -cwd doit.Pt3_20Mix_10pM_a01_1.sh
qsub -q secondary -S /bin/bash -pe smp 8 -V -cwd doit.Pt3_20Mix_10pM_a01_2.sh
qsub -q secondary -S /bin/bash -pe smp 8 -V -cwd doit.Pt3_95_13MIX_10pM_B01_1.sh
qsub -q secondary -S /bin/bash -pe smp 8 -V -cwd doit.Pt3_95_13MIX_10pM_B01_2.sh
qsub -q secondary -S /bin/bash -pe smp 8 -V -cwd doit.Pt3_01_06MIX_15pm_C01_1.sh
qsub -q secondary -S /bin/bash -pe smp 8 -V -cwd doit.Pt3_01_06MIX_15pm_C01_2.sh


---- Number of reads:

ls clucon*/alignments.filterFull | grep -v "D1C" | xargs -i wc {}

  3387  23709 489131 clucon-Pt3_01_06MIX_15pm_C01_1/alignments.filterFull
  2788  19516 402953 clucon-Pt3_01_06MIX_15pm_C01_2/alignments.filterFull
  3801  26607 549209 clucon-Pt3_20Mix_10pM_a01_1/alignments.filterFull
  3607  25249 521044 clucon-Pt3_20Mix_10pM_a01_2/alignments.filterFull
  3030  21210 437524 clucon-Pt3_95_13MIX_10pM_B01_1/alignments.filterFull
  3559  24913 514262 clucon-Pt3_95_13MIX_10pM_B01_2/alignments.filterFull

About 3000 full length reads per chip.

---- Clustering trees:

ls -1 clucon*/aac.hclust.png | grep -v "_D"





Now all are done.

Cut the tree such that there are K groups each with at least 50 sequences in each group.

Start in clucon-Pt3_20Mix_10pM_a01_1

myct = cutree(myhc, k=20)
[1] 16
too few...

myct = cutree(myhc, k=23)
[1] 19
 20  23  22  21  19   9  12   2   4   8  14  11  18  16  15  17   6  10  13   3 
  1   1   3   4  96 100 103 111 117 146 148 152 158 160 163 174 187 232 276 304 
  5   1   7 
334 377 454 

myct = cutree(myhc, k=24)
[1] 19
 20  24  22  21  23  19   9  12   2   4   8  14  11  18  16  15  17   6  10  13 
  1   1   3   4   4  92 100 103 111 117 146 148 152 158 160 163 174 187 232 276 
  3   5   1   7 
304 334 377 454 

myct = cutree(myhc, k=25)
[1] 20
 21  25  23  22  24  20   9  13   2   4   8  15  12  19  17   1  16  18   6  10 
  1   1   3   4   4  92 100 103 111 117 146 148 152 158 160 162 163 174 187 215 
 11  14   3   5   7 
232 276 304 334 454 

myct = cutree(myhc, k=26)
[1] 20
 21  24  26  23  22  25  20   9  13   2   4   8  15  12  19  17   1  16  18   6 
  1   1   1   3   4   4  92 100 103 111 117 146 148 152 158 159 162 163 174 187 
 10  11  14   3   5   7 
215 232 276 304 334 454 

myct = cutree(myhc, k=27)
[1] 20
 21  25  27  24  22  26  23  20   9  13   2   4   8  15  12  19  17   1  16  18 
  1   1   1   3   4   4   6  92  94 103 111 117 146 148 152 158 159 162 163 174 
  6  10  11  14   3   5   7 
187 215 232 276 304 334 454 

myct = cutree(myhc, k=28)
[1] 21
 22  26  28  25  23  27  24  21   9  13   2   4  16   8  15  12  20  18   1  17 
  1   1   1   3   4   4   6  92  94 103 111 117 120 146 148 152 158 159 162 163 
 19   3   6  10  11  14   5   7 
174 184 187 215 232 276 334 454 

myct = cutree(myhc, k=29)
[1] 21
 22  26  27  29  25  23  28  24  21   9  13   2   4  16   8  15  12  20  18   1 
  1   1   1   1   3   4   4   6  92  94 103 111 117 120 146 148 151 158 159 162 
 17  19   3   6  10  11  14   5   7 
163 174 184 187 215 232 276 334 454 

>>> try the k=25 cut

myct = cutree(myhc, k=25)

myid = read.table("aac.id", head=F,sep="\t")

# the first sequence is always the reference the way I'm running
# it. And get rid of the subread information

jj = cbind(as.character(gsub("\\/[0-9_]+$","",myid$V1[2:length(myct)])), myct[2:length(myct)])

writegroup = function(group,name){
  file = paste("clustergroup_",name,".ids",sep="")
  cat(jj[ jj[,2]==group, 1], file=file, sep="\n")

bysize = names(sort(table(jj[,2]),decr=T))
for (ii in 1:length(bysize)){

delete the less than 92 groups (removed 5 clustergroup_21.ids : clustergroup_25.ids)

export SEYMOUR_HOME=/mnt/secondary/Smrtanalysis/opt/smrtanalysis;  source $SEYMOUR_HOME/etc/setup.sh;
export PATH=/home/UNIXHOME/mbrown/mbrown/workspace2013Q1/pacbioCode-viral-clusteringConsensus-v1/code:$PATH

cluconRecurse.py clucon-Pt3_20Mix_10pM_a01_1 > clucon-Pt3_20Mix_10pM_a01_1.cluconRecurse

grep export clucon-Pt3_20Mix_10pM_a01_1.cluconRecurse | python /home/UNIXHOME/mbrown/mbrown/workspace2013Q3/partners-hiv/qsubit.py 

import glob
ggg = glob.glob("clucon-Pt3_20Mix_10pM_a01_1-~_*/quiverResult.consensus.fasta")
for gg in ggg:
    dat = open(gg).read().splitlines()
    fp.write(">20gs-clucon-Pt3_20Mix_10pM_a01_1-num%d\n" % c)
    for ii in range(1,len(dat)):
      fp.write("%s\n" % dat[ii])


RESULT: these are the 20 consensus genomes for run


Now try clucon-Pt3_20Mix_10pM_a01_2 to see if I get the same 20.

myct = cutree(myhc, k=23)
[1] 18
  2   2   2   3   7  70  96 136 140 144 168 169 171 172 177 188 199 203 206 262 
  2   4  14 
323 352 415 

24 = 18
25 = 18
26 = 18
27 = 19

myct = cutree(myhc, k=28)
[1] 20
 25  27  22  26  28  24  20  23  19  10  18  21   6   9   3  11   2  17   5   8 
  1   1   2   2   2   3   4   7  70  91  96 108 132 140 144 159 164 168 169 170 
 16   1  14   7  13  12   4  15 
171 177 188 203 206 262 352 415 

myct = cutree(myhc, k=29)
[1] 20
 26  28  22  25  27  29  24  20  23  19  10  18  21   6   9   3  11   2  17   5 
  1   1   2   2   2   2   3   4   7  70  91  96 108 132 140 142 159 164 168 169 
  8  16   1  14   7  13  12   4  15 
170 171 177 188 203 206 262 352 415 

myct = cutree(myhc, k=35)
[1] 21
 29  30  31  32  33  34  23  24  27  28  35  21  25  26  20  15  10  19   1  22 
  1   1   1   1   1   1   2   2   2   2   2   4   7  10  70  80  91  96  97  98 
  6   9   3  11   2   5  18   8  17  14   7  13  12   4  16 
130 140 142 159 164 168 168 170 171 188 203 206 262 352 415 

> Try the k=28 cut

myct = cutree(myhc, k=28)

myid = read.table("aac.id", head=F,sep="\t")

# the first sequence is always the reference the way I'm running
# it. And get rid of the subread information

jj = cbind(as.character(gsub("\\/[0-9_]+$","",myid$V1[2:length(myct)])), myct[2:length(myct)])

writegroup = function(group,name){
  file = paste("clustergroup_",name,".ids",sep="")
  cat(jj[ jj[,2]==group, 1], file=file, sep="\n")

bysize = names(sort(table(jj[,2]),decr=T))
for (ii in 1:length(bysize)){

delete the less than 70 groups (removed 8 clustergroup_21.ids : clustergroup_28.ids)

export SEYMOUR_HOME=/mnt/secondary/Smrtanalysis/opt/smrtanalysis;  source $SEYMOUR_HOME/etc/setup.sh;
export PATH=/home/UNIXHOME/mbrown/mbrown/workspace2013Q1/pacbioCode-viral-clusteringConsensus-v1/code:$PATH

cluconRecurse.py clucon-Pt3_20Mix_10pM_a01_2 > clucon-Pt3_20Mix_10pM_a01_2.cluconRecurse

grep export clucon-Pt3_20Mix_10pM_a01_2.cluconRecurse | python /home/UNIXHOME/mbrown/mbrown/workspace2013Q3/partners-hiv/qsubit.py 

import glob
ggg = glob.glob("clucon-Pt3_20Mix_10pM_a01_2-~_*/quiverResult.consensus.fasta")
for gg in ggg:
    dat = open(gg).read().splitlines()
    fp.write(">20gs-clucon-Pt3_20Mix_10pM_a01_2-num%d\n" % c)
    for ii in range(1,len(dat)):
      fp.write("%s\n" % dat[ii])


RESULT: these are the 20 consensus genomes for run

Looking at the file sizes, I see some inconsistency. For size=9176 _1
has 4 but _2 has 3. I would not expect this if we got the same answer
each time. The size of the total genomes is about 250 bases different!
So I can't be getting the same answers.


Compare all the genomes by aligning using blasr and sorting on aligment score

export SEYMOUR_HOME=/mnt/secondary/Smrtanalysis/opt/smrtanalysis;  source $SEYMOUR_HOME/etc/setup.sh;
export PATH=/home/UNIXHOME/mbrown/mbrown/workspace2013Q1/pacbioCode-viral-clusteringConsensus-v1/code:$PATH

blasr 20genomes-clucon-Pt3_20Mix_10pM_a01_1.fasta 20genomes-clucon-Pt3_20Mix_10pM_a01_2.fasta > blasr_1_2.compare
blasr 20genomes-clucon-Pt3_20Mix_10pM_a01_1.fasta 20genomes-clucon-Pt3_20Mix_10pM_a01_1.fasta > blasr_1_1.compare
blasr 20genomes-clucon-Pt3_20Mix_10pM_a01_2.fasta 20genomes-clucon-Pt3_20Mix_10pM_a01_2.fasta > blasr_2_2.compare

with nothing to make analysis easier.

dat = read.table("blasr_1_1.compare", head=F,sep=" ")
iden = dat[dat$V6==100.0,]
    V1 V2 V3 V4     V5  V6 V7   V8   V9 V10  V11  V12    V13
1    0  0  0  0 -44890 100  0 8978 8978   0 8978 8978 188506
2    0  5  0  0 -44890 100  0 8978 8978   0 8978 8978 188506
6    1  1  0  0 -44835 100  0 8967 8967   0 8967 8967 188275
8    2  2  0  0 -44895 100  0 8979 8979   0 8979 8979 188527
14   3  3  0  0 -44890 100  0 8978 8978   0 8978 8978 188506
19   4  4  0  0 -44840 100  0 8968 8968   0 8968 8968 188296
21   5  0  0  0 -44890 100  0 8978 8978   0 8978 8978 188506
22   5  5  0  0 -44890 100  0 8978 8978   0 8978 8978 188506
26   6  6  0  0 -44820 100  0 8964 8964   0 8964 8964 188212
34   7  7  0  0 -44875 100  0 8975 8975   0 8975 8975 188443
42   8  8  0  0 -44905 100  0 8981 8981   0 8981 8981 188569
48   9  9  0  0 -44960 100  0 8992 8992   0 8992 8992 188800
55  10 10  0  0 -44905 100  0 8981 8981   0 8981 8981 188569
56  11 11  0  0 -44815 100  0 8963 8963   0 8963 8963 188191
63  12 12  0  0 -44890 100  0 8978 8978   0 8978 8978 188506
68  13 13  0  0 -44815 100  0 8963 8963   0 8963 8963 188191
75  14 14  0  0 -44950 100  0 8990 8990   0 8990 8990 188758
80  15 15  0  0 -41930 100  0 8386 8386   0 8386 8386 176074
85  16 16  0  0 -43040 100  0 8608 8608   0 8608 8608 180736
89  17 17  0  0 -44905 100  0 8981 8981   0 8981 8981 188569
94  18 18  0  0 -42465 100  0 8493 8493   0 8493 8493 178321
101 19 19  0  0 -44910 100  0 8982 8982   0 8982 8982 188590

Run one genomes 0 and 5 are identical

dat = read.table("blasr_2_2.compare", head=F,sep=" ")
iden = dat[dat$V6==100.0,]
   V1 V2 V3 V4     V5  V6 V7   V8   V9 V10  V11  V12    V13
1   0  0  0  0 -44915 100  0 8983 8983   0 8983 8983 188611
2   1  1  0  0 -44965 100  0 8993 8993   0 8993 8993 188821
9   2  2  0  0 -44890 100  0 8978 8978   0 8978 8978 188506
13  3  3  0  0 -41935 100  0 8387 8387   0 8387 8387 176095
17  4  4  0  0 -43050 100  0 8610 8610   0 8610 8610 180778
18  5  5  0  0 -42480 100  0 8496 8496   0 8496 8496 178384
25  6  6  0  0 -44905 100  0 8981 8981   0 8981 8981 188569
29  7  7  0  0 -44820 100  0 8964 8964   0 8964 8964 188212
31  8  8  0  0 -44905 100  0 8981 8981   0 8981 8981 188569
32  9  9  0  0 -44820 100  0 8964 8964   0 8964 8964 188212
33  9 16  0  0 -44820 100  0 8964 8964   0 8964 8964 188212
40 10 10  0  0 -44875 100  0 8975 8975   0 8975 8975 188443
48 11 11  0  0 -44815 100  0 8963 8963   0 8963 8963 188191
54 12 12  0  0 -44895 100  0 8979 8979   0 8979 8979 188527
58 13 13  0  0 -44950 100  0 8990 8990   0 8990 8990 188758
62 14 14  0  0 -44830 100  0 8966 8966   0 8966 8966 188254
64 15 15  0  0 -43655 100  0 8731 8731   0 8731 8731 183319
73 16  9  0  0 -44820 100  0 8964 8964   0 8964 8964 188212
74 16 16  0  0 -44820 100  0 8964 8964   0 8964 8964 188212
81 17 17  0  0 -44905 100  0 8981 8981   0 8981 8981 188569
87 18 18  0  0 -44890 100  0 8978 8978   0 8978 8978 188506
91 19 19  0  0 -44890 100  0 8978 8978   0 8978 8978 188506

Run two genomes 9 and 16 are identical

dat = read.table("blasr_1_2.compare", head=F,sep=" ")

Here are the identical genomes between the two runs:
iden = dat[dat$V6==100.0,]
   V1 V2 V3 V4     V5  V6 V7   V8   V9 V10  V11  V12    V13
1   0  2  0  0 -44890 100  0 8978 8978   0 8978 8978 188506
17  5  2  0  0 -44890 100  0 8978 8978   0 8978 8978 188506
21  6  9  0  0 -44820 100  0 8964 8964   0 8964 8964 188212
22  6 16  0  0 -44820 100  0 8964 8964   0 8964 8964 188212
7   2 12  0  0 -44895 100  0 8979 8979   0 8979 8979 188527
11  3 18  0  0 -44890 100  0 8978 8978   0 8978 8978 188506
29  7 10  0  0 -44875 100  0 8975 8975   0 8975 8975 188443
37  8  6  0  0 -44905 100  0 8981 8981   0 8981 8981 188569
48 10  8  0  0 -44905 100  0 8981 8981   0 8981 8981 188569
54 12 19  0  0 -44890 100  0 8978 8978   0 8978 8978 188506
60 13 11  0  0 -44815 100  0 8963 8963   0 8963 8963 188191
66 14 13  0  0 -44950 100  0 8990 8990   0 8990 8990 188758
90 17 17  0  0 -44905 100  0 8981 8981   0 8981 8981 188569

Genome 6 in run1 is the same as genome 9 and 16 in run2.

Genome 2 in run2 is the same as genome 0 and 5 in run1.

11 genomes reported exactly the same betweeen the two runs (plus one
extra in each run yields 12 "correct" genomes).

What about the other 8 geomes that aren't 100% identical.

Number from 1:

findmin1 = function(from){
tmp = dat[dat$V1==from,]

findmin2 = function(from){
tmp = dat[dat$V2==from,]

     [,1]    [,2] [,3] [,4]    [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9]   [,10] [,11]   [,12]
[1,]    3 15.0000   13   19 15.0000    3   10   11    7  2.0000     9 10.0000
[2,]  100 99.9888  100  100 99.9777  100  100  100  100 99.9889   100 99.9888
     [,13] [,14] [,15]   [,16]   [,17] [,18]   [,19]   [,20]
[1,]    20    12    14  4.0000 18.0000    18  6.0000  1.0000
[2,]   100   100   100 99.7618 94.6584   100 99.9647 99.9443

        [,1]    [,2] [,3]    [,4]    [,5]    [,6] [,7]    [,8] [,9] [,10] [,11]
[1,] 20.0000 10.0000    1 16.0000 12.0000 19.0000    9  2.0000   11     7     8
[2,] 99.9443 99.9889  100 99.7618 93.4749 99.9647  100 99.9665  100   100   100
     [,12] [,13] [,14]   [,15]   [,16] [,17] [,18] [,19] [,20]
[1,]    14     3    15  2.0000 20.0000     7    18     4    13
[2,]   100   100   100 99.9888 95.4879   100   100   100   100

The imperfected mapping are 99.9x except for run1=17, run2=5,16